
Give now to help their rescue

For months, 30 macaques have endured cruelty in the last known "dancing monkey village" in West Java, Indonesia.

Torn from their mothers at only a few months old, they have faced a life of torment - beaten, starved, and chained by the neck, forced to perform tricks for entertainment.

No animal should suffer like this! With your help, we can rescue these macaques and give them a chance at a better life.

Your gift today will do more than just save these macaques - it will help end the dancing monkey trade forever. We are on the brink of a major victory, and your support is key to unlock their freedom.

My total gift: 

Your gift of   could help feed a rescued monkey to restore its health.

Your gift of   could help treat and rehabilitate these traumatized monkeys until they can return safely to the wild.

Your gift of   could help pay for deworming treatments and wound-stitching materials - critical for the care of the rescued monkeys.

Your gift of   could help provide their handlers with alternative livelihoods, ensuring the long-term success of this work to end the macaques exploitation.

Your gift of   could help fund the safe relocation of the rescued macaques to Cikole, West Java.

Your gift will be go where the need is greatest addressing the root causes of animal suffering.

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Thank you for changing animals lives for the better!

Your gift helps to move governments, businesses and people to end animal cruelty. With every dollar you give, you help solve the root causes of animal suffering and influence others to improve animals’ lives because protecting animals means protecting the world.

Images courtesy of Jakarta Animal Aid Network
